Monday, January 25, 2010

Guide: How to crash an Xbox360 CPU on demand with an “un-hackable Xbox360”


1.Get some Xbox360 homebrew (Viper360 or Xexloader 0.26 or kiosk disc mod, or whatever)(correctly compiled, but unsigned code none-the-less) and copy it to your memory card or 360 orig HDD so that it can execute on a J-tag hacked console via the “Game Library”.

2.Take the HDD off the exploitable console and place it on a console that is not exploitable and try to execute it via the “Game Library”......but don't just try to execute it as normal... mash the 'a' button as fast as you can to force it to load before the console works out that it it not signed.


Full CPU Crash!

X = Console still outputs a “locked / Crashed video” but is oblivious to any input/output additions or alterations.


Adding and removing controllers = x (with the exception that the light goes out on removal)

Tapping any or all buttons on the remote or usb controllers = x

Unplugging the HDD and/or AV leads = x

Switching from Composite to Component on the fly = x

Hitting the power button = x

...................................We would post a screen shot, but all it just looks like is a frozen screen. :P

Potential new exploit or just a crash?
Time for people to check out the new plugin for IDA! The results are interesting to say the least (Thanks LS for the reverse verification :D )

-Crash found and documented by LittleJonny of Team Symbiote

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